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Updating to TouchGFX 19.0 makes flexbutton wildcard text not appear.

Associate III

I just updated TouchGFX to 19.0 and I am having an issue with my FlexButtons. I have found that when I have a flexbutton contain text and it is populated by a wildcard, it will no longer show the wild card text, even if I don't update the text in code and use the default value. However, If I add text and make it static, it works fine.

One other thing I tried was having a mix of static text and wildcard text on the same button (eg. "test<value>") and made the default value equal to "test2". So the expected outcome would be "testtest2", instead I just see "test".

Also, all of this code worked fine on 18.0 and 18.1. Can anyone help me at all with this?

ST Employee

Hello @DSand.5​ ,

TouchGFX team is aware of that bug, and currently working on solving it. It will be fixed in the next release (4.19.1).

In the meantime, you can use a small work-around to fix the issue yourself :

  • In Screen1View.cpp class, if you want to display your default wildcard value, add the following code in the setupScreen() method. Please note that the enum "T___SINGLEUSE_RYAC" is the reference of your wildcard default text value.
void Screen1View::setupScreen()
    Unicode::snprintf(flexButton1Buffer, FLEXBUTTON1_SIZE, "%s", touchgfx::TypedText(T___SINGLEUSE_RYAC).getText()); //Put wildcard default value is the buffer
    flexButton1.setWildcardTextBuffer(flexButton1Buffer); //Link the wildcard buffer with flexButton1Buffer
  • Then, if you want for instance update the wildcard with a integer value, you can simply write the value you want inside the buffer and update the screen with invalidate(). For example :
void Screen1View::IncreaseCounter()
    cmpt++; // Increments a counter everytime the button is clicked
    Unicode::snprintf(flexButton1Buffer, FLEXBUTTON1_SIZE, "%d", cmpt);
    flexButton1.invalidate(); //Refresh the value on the screen

Hope that this helped,


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX
Associate III

I have tried this (specifically the second one) and it still does not work. That is how my project is already set up to run. I replace the text into the buffer and then invalidate it.

Any idea when the next release is coming out?

Hello @DSand.5​ ,

For the first part, please note that T___SINGLEUSE_RYAC is the identifier of my wildcard default value, it can be something totally different for you. So you can try to display the different enums in the texts/TextKeysAndLanguages.hpp file.

For the second point I mentioned, the use of a counter to update the wildcard value was just an example of what you can implement.

The next release should come out next week.

In any case, I will attach the entire example project to this post, so you can understand better.


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX

what I meant about the second part is that I am doing what you mentioned and it still is not updating the text.

Associate III

So I tried the project and it did work. However I tried adding the fix to my personal project and it still is not working. Am I missing something?

#include <gui/containers/DrinkSettingsListItem.hpp>
void DrinkSettingsListItem::initialize()
void DrinkSettingsListItem::setDrinkLineInfo(string name, string description)
	Unicode::snprintf(drinkNameFlexButtonBuffer, DRINKNAMEFLEXBUTTON_SIZE,name.c_str());
	Unicode::snprintf(drinkDescriptionTextAreaBuffer, DRINKDESCRIPTIONTEXTAREA_SIZE,description.c_str());
//Setting up the title button callback that will be called from the main screen view (owner of container)
void DrinkSettingsListItem::setAction(GenericCallback< DrinkSettingsListItem& >& callback){viewCallback = &callback;}
void DrinkSettingsListItem::drinkSelected()
//		touchgfx_printf("profile button Clicked\n");
	// Inform the view of the event
	    if (viewCallback->isValid())

DrinkListItem is in a container. I call the function setDrinkLineInfo on main screen load. This should populate the flex button and a label with info. As you can see, I added the "setWildcardTextBuffer" function call in the initialize function, but this still does not work. I also invalidated the button here, and invalidated the whole screen in the main view. Am I missing something?

Hello @DSand.5​ ,

I think your call to Unicode::snprintf() might be false, because you miss the "const UnicodeChar *format" parameter, which specifies what type of data you wanna print in the buffer (Support formats: %c (element type: char), %s (element type: null-terminated UnicodeChar list), %u, %i, %d, %o, %x (all these are integers formatted in radix 10, 10, 10, 8, 16 respectively).

If you want to print a string in the buffer, it should be like this :

Unicode::snprintf(drinkNameFlexButtonBuffer, DRINKNAMEFLEXBUTTON_SIZE, "%s", name.c_str());

If that doesn't fix the issue, could you please attach your project to this post ?



ST Software Developer | TouchGFX

No, making that change did not fix it.

Sadly, this is for a client and I cannot release the code. I can perhaps try and modify it to remove most of it except for the scenes that matter.

Are you still on schedule for the updated touchgfx release?


The next version should be released at the beginning of next week.

Please let me know if this new release solved your issue or not.


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX

The problem still remains in 4.20. I have a flexbutton and I change the bitmap image of the flexbutton and invalidate it. after that the text disapears...