2022-10-20 3:36 AM
I am going crazy, I always get the error that the structure Lcd_Ctx is not declared, while it is clearly declared (by including "stm32h750b_discovery_lcd.h").
With F3 I can find the structure declaration.
If I change the file from .c to .cpp the error is gone...
See screenshot below:
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-10-21 5:22 AM
I think it's in stm32h745i_discovery_lcd.h, line 234: "extern BSP_LCD_Ctx_t Lcd_Ctx[];"
then he calls his .h in his .c file
2022-10-21 5:27 AM
oh, now I see the problem, thank you.
In the 745 h-file the variable is declared with extern Lcd_Ctx, and in the 750 h-file with LcdCtx ...
2022-10-21 6:48 AM
I have another similar question:
Why the compiler does not find lvgl.h, see screenshot below:
2022-10-21 6:54 AM
You need to write #include "../lvgl/lvgl.h" because ../ means exit the folder where your .c is.
So you exit User then lvgl is in the same level
2022-10-21 6:56 AM
Ok maybe I don't see well the picture, there is an other possibility
2022-10-21 7:06 AM
Right click on your project then go to properties-> C/C++ General -> Paths ans symbols and watch if the path of your folder with .h is in the list
2022-10-21 7:08 AM
ok that works, great, anyway it is not logical for me, because .c has two folders on top...
Still another similar failure, see screenshot below. What's wrong here?
2022-10-21 7:16 AM
I guess you add .h in a folder without .h in previously, can you check the path like I said in the previous message ?
2022-10-21 7:18 AM
now it works, thank you very much at all.