2019-04-21 2:43 PM
Hello everybody,
because it seems to be a very difficult setting for a beginner, is there a simple example or an empty template for starting with this tool mix?
Thanks in advance
2019-04-23 12:26 AM
If it helps, I asked the same question of ST support and received the below answer.
thanks for putting a request on our web site, we are pleased by your interest in our products.
Unfortunately, the only officially supported IDE for the time being with TouchGFX is IAR.
We can not support you for moving to Atollic TrueStudio at this stage.
2019-04-26 5:14 AM
@Community member , @david cambridge , difficult? Agree 300% as we invested close to a month of long days to solve the many raised errors. Summary that these tools are being refined now to work smoothly. This will take some time for ST to iron out the bugs.
Suggestion: Source the relatively low cost STM32F429i-DISC1 kit ($29 USD) and review our article which details how to use the IAR or the free STM4ST32 compiler with the TouchGFX GUI tool & CubeMX:
The full download is hosted on our company server and details step by step on how to work with the tools.
We are working on more articles but with no firm ETA as we need to continue on our commercial (paid) developments as well.
If this documentation is not a good match for your desired LCD resolution then you other option is to review the kits supported by TouchGFX and be sure that there is a V2.0 template from their GUI kit selector. Only if this V2.0 is present, source the kit and launch TouchGFX FIRST -> build your GUI artwork -> compile and debug and simulate with the target kit -> all good? -> now manually locate the .IOC file and double click to launch CubeMX tool -> insert any new code for your hardware -> now, very likely this step will BREAK your code (***** but is true) -> locate the articles to fix this now broken wizard code. Rinse and repeat.
For the above painful reason, best to stick with the documented kit inside the above posted document on our server. You have limited other options at this time but information is scattered on this forum.
Hope this helps.
PS: Have the STM32F469 Discovery Board in the lab but need quality time to review the quirks and process to fix the errors. Again, review and hunt down the V2.0 template kits but before purchasing, be sure to understand which target compiler (often IAR) is supported. Our document details use of the free compiler as well as IAR. Keil is just not there and would be the last choice due to the many other raised compiler bugs.