2021-05-26 7:17 AM
... Compile
make -f ../gcc/Makefile -j8
Reading TouchGFX/application.config
Linking TouchGFX/build/bin/target.elf
Producing additional output formats...
target.hex - Combined internal+external hex
intflash.elf - Internal flash, elf debug
intflash.hex - Internal flash, hex
extflash.bin - External flash, binary
make -f ../gcc/Makefile flash -j8
Reading TouchGFX/application.config
Linking TouchGFX/build/bin/target.elf
Producing additional output formats...
target.hex - Combined internal+external hex
intflash.elf - Internal flash, elf debug
intflash.hex - Internal flash, hex
extflash.bin - External flash, binary
d:/touchgfx_test/MyApplication_13/gcc/include/flash_sections_int_ext.mk:2: recipe for target '_extflash_' failed
make[1]: *** [_extflash_] Error 5
make: *** [flash] Error 2
../gcc/Makefile:52: recipe for target 'flash' failed
STM32F746G_ DISCO board.
touchgfx set up at D:\TouchGFX\4.16.1.
stm32cubeprogrammer set up at D:\Program .Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer (the latest 2.7.0 version)
The firmware version of ST- LINK is v2J37M27.
D:\touchgfx_test\MyApplication_13\gcc\include\cube_programmer.mk line 7&8
program_files_win32 = /c/Program Files (x86) --> program_files_win32 = /d/Program Files (x86)
program_files_win64 = /c/Program Files --> program_files_win64 = /d/Program Files
Using the stm32cubeprogrammer sofeware, open D:\touchgfx_test\MyApplication_13\TouchGFX\build\bin\target.hex, download, It is ok.
2021-05-27 1:08 AM
Are you using a custom project or did you start from the application template for the STM32F746G_DK available in TouchGFX Designer ? I was not able to reproduce your issue, could you check the revision of your board ? Look for a white sticker with "MB1191 <revision> ". Could you maybe share your project if not confidential ?
2021-05-27 2:24 PM
I am using the application template for the STM32F746G_DK from TouchGFX Designer. The board mode is MB1191B. I can not run target in Touchgfx.(In PC, "Run simulator" is ok. And "Run target" mode. Only programmer is bad. the other is ok.because the output file"target.hex" is ok.) . About my project.see attachment.