2020-11-13 3:17 AM
I now try create multilevel menu system over two animated screens. My trouble is how and where store cursor and selection on any level. I create test variable int menulevel in Model , but how to access , change it in two screens? Exist any direct way or only for me chaotic usage of set get in presenters and model ?
Second is actual cursor , can be used for this any global array or better is model class properties?
Now i use this but on every entry to menu is reset to zero.
class Screen3View : public Screen3ViewBase
virtual ~Screen3View() {}
virtual void setupScreen();
virtual void tearDownScreen();
virtual void scrollList1UpdateItem(MenuItem& item, int16_t itemIndex);
virtual void curdown();
virtual void curup();
int cursorpos;
Screen3View::Screen3View() : cursorpos(0)
2020-11-14 7:11 AM
Nobody? I extend my question. Exist way to make screens classes persistent? This will solve this problem , where showed screen is allways reset.
When not , one way is use Model - Presenter - View or better Model - ModelListener - Presenter - View.
Second simpler is based on state , that Model class is only one primary instance and can here define global variables and share it directly to view.