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Touchgfx Landscape to Portrait flickering problem.


Good morning everyone, I created a project for a client and it is now in an advanced state.

All the time the project was developed with a horizontal display (we are talking about two years of work), at a certain point a larger display was used, original 800x480, new 1024x600.
The use was in portrait mode.
I started to have content flickering.

I worked hard for days, thinking I might have a problem with buffer declarations, memory management, or other things related to hardware or settings. Today I made the macabre discovery.

I positioned the landscape position of only the display on the touchgfx gui and everything magically works perfectly, naturally you can only see half of the objects as many of them are defined out of field, but no flickering of text or images.
The flickering occurs between one writing and another to change the data. For a moment, new fonts appear dotted with errors or buttons or whatever redraws between one buffer and another, and all of this depends only on the orientation of the display without changing a line of code.

Help is essential, I really don't want to debug touchgfx. Thanks to anyone who can put me on the right path, I can't find anything online other than a few posts where no one offers solutions.



Have you enable Dcache ? If yes, try to disable it first to see is it causing the issues.



JTP1 this is the second time you saved me! a week of work, convinced that I had a hardware or configuration problem and in the end this was the problem!

Thank you very much, solved in the time of one compilation!


That's great news, glad to be able to help you.

Please note that with MPU it is most likely possible to disable caching for just some memory area (framebuffer in this case (?)).



yes... this was my MPU set

