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TouchGFX_init make hardfault on Frontendheap function on STM32H743

Associate III


I have problem with touchGFX once i updated it from 4.16.1 to 4.17 ....

when touchgfx_init() function reached to this line (FrontendHeap& heap = FrontendHeap::getInstance();) it makes hardfault which i have not on previous version....

in assembly on this line:

0x08009748 F7FAFBF4 BL.W     _ZN12FrontendHeapC2Ev (0x08003F34)

Please help ......


Our solution was to remove the directive and place the font code in the internal flash.  Not a great solution.  Seems like it was an error with CubeIDE but since we are based on Linux, that is the platform we use.

I suspect it might be an error in the external memloader binary used.  We looked at building our own but ran low on human resources.  ST never responded, so I don't know how to read into that.