2024-05-14 08:12 AM - edited 2024-05-14 08:13 AM
TouchGFX adds a redundant line ending to .cproject file when clicking generate code even if nothing has changed.
This causes changes to show up in git and also makes merging and pull requests more complicated.
In STM32CubeIDE the line ending is removed after making any change to the project (and optionally reverting the change).
-<?fileVersion 4.0.0?><cproject storage_type_id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.XmlProjectDescriptionStorage">
+<?fileVersion 4.0.0?>
+<cproject storage_type_id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.XmlProjectDescriptionStorage">
I'm using TouchGFX 4.23.2, but the problem was also present in older versions. Using STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1, but older version had the same effect.
Please fix this.
2024-05-15 01:57 AM
Hello @unsigned_char_array ,
Thank you for informing us.
I see that you are not the only one experiencing this because there is already 2 kudos on your thread.
I have created an internal ticket and we will fix this.
2024-06-14 07:56 AM - edited 2024-06-28 12:36 AM
The issue appears to be fixed in TouchGFX 4.24.0. I didn't see it in the release notes though.
EDIT: called it too early. For some reason I wasn't seeing it for a while. But I confirm the problem is still present.
2024-06-14 09:10 AM
Hello @unsigned_char_array ,
Good to hear.
I have made an internal ticket but it got closed so I assume it was already a known issue.
Either way, it is solved now.
2024-06-27 07:24 AM
The problem is back again.
2024-06-28 02:01 AM
Hello @unsigned_char_array ,
Thank you for your feedback, I will see with the team.
2024-09-17 05:03 AM
Any update?
2024-09-25 06:13 AM
Hello @unsigned_char_array ,
This change is now scheduled for implementation by the team.
2024-09-26 02:57 AM
Great to hear. Because the problem is still present in 4.24.1. I hope it will be in the next release.