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TouchGFX : 7" inch TFT with Resistive Touch Screen.

Karan 123


Is there any Hardware / Development Board with 7" inch TFT RGB with Resistive Touch Screen with SDCard and USB mass storage that support TouchGFX 4.15.



Chief III

Hi, that's a very specific request. The answer is No.

Do you have a specific question in mind?


Thanks for update..

I have seen most of ST boards has 4.3 inch 480 x 272 ​resolution with RGB Interface.

​​I need to connect 7" Inch RGB Interface with Resistive (or Capacitive)Touch and use TouchGFX with that..

Please Guide me. ​



Generally, we do not provide "demos" or "examples" of Board specific features like SD-Cards / FreeRTOS, etc.

You can check the CubeFW pack examples for this and use that functionality with the Application templates in touchgfx.

If you want an example of an RGB Display with resistive touch, check the F429-DISCO Application, specifically how data is retrieved from the touch ic through the TouchController class. Check the CubeFW packs for examples on how to use SD-cards and FreeRTOS.



Any Idea for interfacing 7 inch RGB 800 x 480 Resolution or more with STM32 with or without external frame buffer? ​

​What concretely do you mean? What bitdepth? TouchGFX offers various strategies, single fb, double fb, partial fb depending on needs/restrictions.


Thanks for update...

I have to interface 7 inch TFT 800 x 480 . Bit Depth - 16 Bits

​Single Frame Buffer is Sufficient for my Application.

