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TouchGFX 4.17.0 ,"you are not connected to internet" error is showing



when TouchGFX 4.17.0 is opened I'm getting an error stating no internet connectivity even though my laptop is connected to internet . also in the selection of boards I'm not getting any board option .

thanks and regards



Thank you for the answer. I understand your current situation. I'll wait for your updating.

Current my situations are the follows:

4.16.1 : Proxy error occurs and proxy dialog appears repeateadly.

4.17.0 : Proxy error occurs but proxy dialog doesn't appears. I placed the file "STM32H735G-DK-3.0.5.tpa" which you provided in "C:\TouchGFX\4.17.0\app\packages\".

4.18.0 : Proxy error occurs and proxy dialog appears repeateadly. I placed the files "STM32G071-NUCLEO-DEMO-3.0.1.tpa" and "STM32G071-NUCLEO-DEMO-test-3.0.1.tpa" which you provided in "C:\TouchGFX\4.18.0\app\packages\".

So far I have to use only 4.17.0.

Resolved by myself. Proxy certification was changed. I modified it and works correctly.

I'm very sorry for your trouble.

Thank you.

Associate II

I'm running TouchGFX 4.18.0 and I also get the "You are not connected to the internet" error.

The TouchGFX Designer log shows: "System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: 'HandshakeFailure'."

The error I've got appears to be with the server rejecting the connection, not my machine rejecting the certificate. So it's not the same proxy error, but is related to SSL on the server.

I'm running Win7, which supports up to TLS1.2. I tried installing on a Windows 10 laptop and it worked. Windows 8 and 8.1 also only have support for TLS up to 1.2.

I can access this image in FireFox, which uses it's own encryption library. If I try to access it in old Internet Explorer, I get the following error:

"This page can’t be displayed

Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator. "

TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 are all turned on in IE advanced settings. Checking the connection when FireFox loads the page, it is using TLS 1.3

If TouchGFX Designer is relying on the OS for encryption, then in order to support the features on Windows 7 and 8, ST would need to enable TLS 1.2 on the server that TouchGFX connects to.

Associate II


I'm getting exactly the same problem as JClar.7. I only run Windows 7 and Linux so Win 10 is not an option for me.

Any suggestions on how to get TouchGFX working?

Are ST looking into this?

Many thanks

Kind regards


Associate II

I opened a ticket with ST. I got a reply last night that said:

"We have escalated your inquiry to our applications team for further support."

Hopefully they'll sort it out soon.

Associate II

Excellent - I look forward to seeing some progress

Kind regards



any news about this issue?


Associate II


I have the same problem with v4.18.1.

I can browse the internet but there is something wrong with TouchGFX that shows this error: "you are not connected to the internet".

Is it possible to download template and package of boards offline and add it to the installation directory of TouchGFX?

thanks in advance

Associate II


Can I have the .tpa file of stm32f429i discovery because my touchgfx v4.18.1 doesn't connect to the internet.




I have the same problem. Running on win 7
