2019-11-06 1:56 AM
bool STM32F7TouchController::sampleTouch(int32_t& x, int32_t& y) is working as it can be tested by setting a breakpoint. The display is running as it is tested with an animated image that runs fine.
It runs fine in simulator but not on stm32f746G-discovery (Working with STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0) : The display is not reacting on button pressed at all.
Any hints to get the touch working with the display are welcome.
2019-11-06 2:15 AM
So you've tried breaking inside the touch controller and inspecting that the actual coordinates that you're pressing are what's being read back?
2019-11-06 2:32 AM
The coordinates seems to be plausible (126, 300).
2019-11-06 2:36 AM
How did you create this project? Through the designer? CubeMX -> CubeIDE ?
Could you try overriding handleClickEvent(ClickEvent& event); in your view and breaking in there?
2019-11-06 6:08 AM
I use the most current versions STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0, TouchGFX 4.12.3 Designer but I started with an older versions und migrated to the newest in the last two weeks.
What do you mean with “in your view�?. Do you mean code in the TouchGFX/gui folder? It might be possible that there is some code missing in my application because I only see some virtual methods in the debugger. See the other question “Behind FreeRTOS and TouchGFX Interaction�? in this forum.
Please give me the folder to find handleClickEvent(ClickEvent& event) so I will post the snipped here.
2019-11-06 6:11 AM
In your gui/ folder you have a file that defines a class which inherits from its base-equivalent generated by the designer. You can implement handleClickEvent in this view in order to receive click events in your view (and intercept/steal them from any widgets on that view).
in your header file:
virtual void handleClickEvent(ClickEvent& evt);
in cpp:
void MyView::handleClickEvent(ClickEvent& evt)
//write some code here and break
2019-11-06 6:17 AM
If all else fails send me your project and i can take a look.
2019-11-08 6:07 AM
Any update on your end, @Andi ?
There's absolutely no reason why your display isn't working when you're reading back the right coordinates. These coordinates will hit your active view and unless you've overwritten something then it should work.