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I try to debug a problem with the touch, but I cannot see how FreeRTOS does periodically the functions. See pictures from the call stack. In code the HAL methods are all virtual and I can’t find the code where they are called. It seems there is somet...
bool STM32F7TouchController::sampleTouch(int32_t& x, int32_t& y) is working as it can be tested by setting a breakpoint. The display is running as it is tested with an animated image that runs fine.It runs fine in simulator but not on stm32f746G-disc...
I can't get the sample running on my stm32F746-discovery. I followed the instructions in changing MX_QUADSPI_Init(void) to the values inthe stm32746g_discovery_qspi.c I get a picture with a button but...
It seems the clock configuration is not generated correctly by the Cube.Used STM32CubeMX Version 5.2.1 for STM32G070RBT deviceThe root cause seems to be the RCC_CCIPR_TIM1SEL is not defined.As a consequence the RCC_PERIPHCLK_TIM1 is not available and...