2022-11-25 6:31 AM
Good day everyone,
I have a question about my new STM32F469I Disco board.
I receive yesterday the board from Mouser. After powering up I notice that the display did not start with the usual demo as my other new STM boards starts. Then I try to load it from TouchGFX app but still the screen was completely black. I try with separate simple "blink" project and everything was normal. I'm not sure for this board, but i believe that in the moment of powering up the display's back light should blink for moment. Correct me if I'm wrong because this display do not blink.The other think that I notice is that the code that is generated from TouchGFX is suspicious - see attached photo. The resolution of the display is 800x480 according to the datasheet. I'm not sure that it matters but my board is with blue solder mask.
I would like to ask, if it's possible, some one that have working code for this board to share it with me.
I want to try to verify where is the problem. From the software or HW part.
Thanks in advance!
2022-11-25 6:55 AM
Welcome, @yordannedev, to the community!
you'll find the official binary for the STM32F469I-DISCOVERY here.
Good luck!
2022-11-26 10:08 AM
Check out the board user manual for component replacement due to obsolescence such as displays. The demo binary may work only on the original board.
2022-11-30 12:58 AM
Created an example application with TouchGFX for board B08:
2022-12-01 2:16 PM
Thank you for the replays! I found that the problem is not in the HW part. With the official binaries the display at least give some signs of live. From what I understand till now the different revisions had a different displays, touch controllers etc. I am little disappointed but I hope that soon there will be software solution for this issue. I made some photos of the board just for reference. MB1189-F469NIH6-B08 A222300851
2022-12-02 12:35 AM
Please checkout the post above yours, it contains the software for this revision of the board.
2022-12-02 12:52 AM
I saw that you have the same revision as mine. With your binary the result was again dark screen. What model is your display?
2022-12-02 1:07 AM
Ok, strange also tried to reupload the elf file on my Discovery and now it does not work..
But when I open the TouchGFX project (B08 branch) and click on Run Target it still works.
2022-12-02 2:15 AM
I try to open the project with TouchGFX ver.4.20 & ver.4.16 and gives me a error:
Run Target
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:221: recipe for target 'images' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/win/imageconvert.out -r assets/images -w generated/images, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make[1]: *** [images] Error 2
simulator/gcc/Makefile:32: recipe for target 'assets' failed
make: *** [assets] Error 2
2022-12-02 2:42 AM
Sorry about that, it is still really hard to check in the right files for a TouchGFX project.
I just added the missing files, now with the latest git revision everything should work (did a clean checkout myself).