2022-12-03 8:30 AM
I am trying to add files from an external library to be build and executed with the TouchGFXDesigner simulator.
Using TouchGFX 4.20 in Windows 10:
In the Makefile under "TouchGFX/simulator/gcc/Makefile" I am adding the following:
ADDITIONAL_SOURCES := ../STM32CubeIDE/library/source
ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_PATHS := ../STM32CubeIDE/library/include
But when I try to run the simulator I get the following error:
C:/ST/TouchGFX/4.20/env/MinGW/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find ../STM32CubeIDE/library/source: Permission denied
If I add only the "ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_PATHS" I don't get any error but when I also add the "ADDITIONAL_SOURCES" then is when the error appears.
Not sure how the permission problem can relate to Windows.