2019-12-16 11:27 AM
I have an STM32L4R9-Disco board with the display removed and a custom 240 x 240 display interfaced over 2 channel SPI connected to Octo SPI. This display also has an FMARK signal used to control when RAM is updated.
What is the best way to modify the TouchGFX in order to use this display. It appears most of the current STM32L4Ri9-Disco implementation is located in gui_mai.cpp and in STM32_HAL_DSI.cpp. Should the STM32L4R9I GraphixMMU be used over the OctoSPI to the display?
2020-02-26 7:02 AM
@Martin KJELDSEN I have this fully working now for both a dedicated SPI display and a dedicated I2C touch controller. My fundamental issue was starting out with the STM32L4R9-discovery kit. The example for that kit is overwhelming. IMO, examples should "build up" in complexity. The L4R9I_Disco has too much going on for low level development. I ended up stripping almost everything out of the example and building it back up since so many things were interrelated.
2020-02-26 11:52 PM
Thanks for keeping us updated. Which exact example are you referring to?
2020-02-27 6:27 AM
Hi Martin. When I started the work, there was only one demo for the stm32l4r9i-disco. I think it was the watch demo. Inside that demo there was quite a bit more, bluetooth, accelerometer, it was packed full. Now that I have more experience with touchgfx, I would start with a blank template rather than the demo.
2020-02-27 6:46 AM
Ah, yes. Sounds good :)