2020-02-07 8:26 AM
I have problem with some website of Touch GFX.
Now i need configure STM32F746 Disco Board using CubeMX and TouchGFX, but i can't access this website.
how to a can access this website 'https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019884752-Configuring-STM32F746G-DISCO'
or any people have document related, which can share them to me.
Thanks and Best Regards
2020-02-08 12:46 AM
Are you having issues starting a new project and getting it to compile or show any graphics?
2020-02-09 6:23 AM
I have STM32F746 Disco Kit, and i want to configure it with TouchGFX based on CubeMX.
about 2 month ago, i accessed this website normal.
2020-02-10 6:00 AM
You are correct. The article no longer appears to be available. As a I recall, it was a useful article, which also showed how to setup the QUADSPI.
2020-02-27 3:56 AM
I am facing the same problem.
Can someone from ST please help with this?
2020-02-27 4:17 AM
as explained in another post, this document is outdated and has been removed. If you still really need it Martin has put it as a pdf in the post linked.