2021-12-22 12:06 PM
I recently got a hold of a stm32H735G development kit, and after flashing a simple blinky project or any other example application projects from STM (touchGFX examples etc.), my application code doesn't seem to run. I've followed the provided setup guides of setting JP7 to STLK and making sure my project has the correct power supply configuration as per @Markus GIRDLAND comments in other support threads: But no luck. Simply in my current application i'm just trying to blink USER LED 2 atm, i've also tested externally exposed GPIOs (D0 etc.) and i dont seem to get any output which is indicating the application not running on the core. Any suggestions? i've tried switching Boot sw1 from 0(flash)/1(sys mem) for flashing process and nothing seems to help, if switched to 0(flash) i just get a constant red led on user led 2 and green on user led 1. Thanks!
Blinky STM32Cube IDE files here: https://github.com/AirChandler/stm32h735g-dk-test-proj
2021-12-22 12:36 PM
Debug your program. Step through the code. Verify things are getting ran correctly. Probably the code is hung up somewhere, potentially in clock initialization.
Double check HSE_VALUE setting. Verify that you have a crystal hooked up and are not getting a clock source from the ST-Link instead (HSE bypass).
2021-12-22 1:28 PM
Ah Thank you! Yes got the issue MX_SDMMC1_SD_Init() was causing the program to halt stepping through with GDB, not sure why but always fails to initialise- just disabled sdmmc1 for now in the demo projects and everything is fine.