2022-11-02 6:18 AM
I bought a new STM32F469 discovery kit and wanted to test it. since there was no initial program installed (checked by connecting with the USB port) I tried to launch one of the demonstrations from the firmware package over STMCubeIDE (Vers. 1.10.1). Generating the project with STMs import function did not work correctly so I read the readme file and did all the neccessary steps with STM32CubeProgrammer. after correctly erasing and flashing both internal and external flash of the discovery board with the apropriate file (tried both STM32CubeDemo_STM32F469I-Disco_1.3.0.hex and STM32469I-Disco_Demo_V1.2.0_FULL.hex), I tried to launch the program by reseting the processor. Sadly , some images are not displayed correctly. I also tried compiling and debugging the appropriate demonstration project in STM32CubeIDE after the manual programming but nothing changes. Please see attached images of the problem:
I must say I find it quite frustrating, that STM32 graphic projects with the discovery boards ( I also tried the STM32746G-Discovery and it did not work out of the box) do not work.
I hope someone might have an idea what the problem here is.
kind regards
2022-11-16 7:24 AM
Hello @Benjamin Brammer
Could you please share your board rev version?
Can you please confirm that you supply the voltage via E5V(JP2) on the board?
You need to check the User Manual for this board UM1932, and the Board revision history.
Make sure to use the latest BSP and LCD driver available in the latest STM32CubeF4 MCU package.
2022-11-17 1:32 AM
Hello Imen,
please find attached a photo of the board bottom. I am using the board "out of the box" so I did not change any jumper settings. By default the STLINK(JP2) jumper is set. When I change it to your suggestion. the screen stays black, so I don't think that this is a correct solution.
2023-09-07 6:46 PM
I have exactly the same issue. My is the same STM32F469I-DISCO AU1. I have been try to power on, my screen is still black.
I tried many ways, touchGFX, etc.. the screen still black.
Please help me on this.
2023-09-11 12:50 AM
Hello @davidpoh ,
Make sure you use the dedicated TBS for this revision in TouchGFX Designer.
Can you try to create a project based from on of our example and select the STM32F469I DISCO AU1?
Let me know if you can see something on your screen when you run your application on target.