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STM32F412G-DISCO - STemWin project not compatible with the new revision board (D-04)

Associate II


I just received a STM32F412G-DISCO board, which is supplied with a functionnal firmware (STemWin demo).

And as I wanna to start a project based on this firmware I tried to compile/run the project located in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.2\Projects\STM32F412G-Discovery\Demonstrations\STemWin\.

However, the firmware crashes (NULL pointer) due to the fact that the touchscreen initialisation has failed. The root cause beeing an I2C ADDR timeout in the TS_IO_Read() function (called by ft6x06_ReadID()).

After reading documentation I found out in the User Manual (UM2032 - Board known limitations) the following statement for the new rev board (D-04): "No demonstration software is provided from this revision.".

It seems that the major change for this revision is a new display, with impact on the firmware, and that the STemWin project has not been updated in the SDK.

However, as I said, this board had a fully functionnal firmware.

So, could you please tell me where we can find the source code of this new firmware for the updated revision board?

Thank you.


SDK version: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.2

CubeIDE version: 1.6.0

The application STemWin_HelloWorld is working fine, so the display driver is OK. It is just the touchscreen driver that must be updated.

ST Employee

Hello @Grann​ ,

Thank you for having reported this point.

I'm checking this internally and I will come back to you with update.


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ST Employee

Hi @Grann​ ,

After an internal cross-check, it seems this is a normal behavior because the STM32F412G-DISCO RevD board supports ft3x67 component instead of ft6x06.

Here is the software for the ft3x67 component (Link)

So, you should add the new TS component in your project and use it.

I'll be waiting for your feedback =) If you still have issues, don't hesitate to come back to the Community.

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Hi @Imen DAHMEN​ ,

I'm having the same issue like Grann mentioned. I followed your suggestion, and even after using the ft3x67 from the ST github and compiling, still the TS is not working. Will it be possible to have an updated code the can be shared or even a hex. Or even sharing the original firmware that came with STM32F412G-Discovery board.
