2019-02-12 9:57 AM
Hello, as the Question says, I'm trying to run STemWin into STM32F4 Discovery board. It compiles well, but does not show anything. I think the LCD initializes, but after that, It does not work anymore. I'm using ATollic Truestudio and an Arduino LCD with an ILI9341 by SPI. The library I've used is: https://github.com/martnak/STM32-ILI9341
It works perfectly fine with this set up.
Since CubeMx does not support STemWin with this board, I build the project by myself. I think the problem is the LCDConf file.
I do not use RTOS and I don't get any error, the code get just stucked when I use "GUI_DispStringHCenterAt".
Can somebody help me?
2019-02-13 12:44 PM
Hi. Which STM32F4 Discovery kit exactly are you using?
If you have the STM32F429I-DISC1, you can review the following thread:
Proven procedure for this kit, using TouchGFX (not STemWin) but can use IAR or SW4STM32 compiler with working GUI tools including touch.