2024-08-15 8:25 PM
I have a problem when using scroll list as a menu list. I have a custom container( a textArea and a background image) for this scroll list. It works good but this lagging problem.
I'm running on NucleoG071RB + X-NUCLEO-GFX01M2, I know this resources are quite limited in this board. I tried to make the background as a 200*4pix thin line, still has this lagging problem.
Any thoughts? thanks in advance.
What I haved tried:
1- make the background as small as possible (not working)
2- setAnimationSteps(0), (not working, not related to this problem)
I uploaded a video to make it easy to get the intuition of this problem.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-08-29 5:08 AM
Hey @Arthur_UW,
I think if you manually change the selected item instead of using animateToItem(), you will be able to get better performance. I created a simple example to showcase what I mean, Keep in mind, it is not a perfect solution at all; it is just for demonstrating the idea of not using animateToItem.
I checked the performance on NUCLEO-G071RB + GFX01M2 and it looks acceptable.
I hope it can help you achieve what you are looking for!
2024-08-16 2:36 AM
Hello @Arthur_UW,
As you mentioned, the NUCLEO G071RB is not strongest board available. However, I think there are a couple of tricks to use to help you achieve what you need.
Instead of using Scroll List and animating your background, use Scroll Wheel that supports a template for the selected item.
You can take a look at TouchGFX Demo 5, in the language selection screen, you can see how it scroll wheel is used.
TouchGFX Demo 5
I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have more questions.
2024-08-24 12:40 PM
Thanks for this reply!
Sorry for being away, I was working on other parts of my project and I just turn back to this.
I was trying to get this effect (from Karan 123 's post ) , I followed this post.
I've tried 'scroll wheel' but I don't get the similar animateToItem function in scroll wheel, where in scroll wheel, the highlighted item goes to the highlighted box (position), which is not suitable for menu application.
I could be wrong about the scroll wheel on whether it can achieve the effect as shown above.
2024-08-24 12:58 PM
I did a test on my previous scroll list example, I pushed the 'down' button three times quickly in 0.7s and captured this waveform:
Zoom in:
(ch0 is 1ms systick, 1~4 are following nucleo's settings :
Performance testing can be done using the GPIO pins designated with the following signals:
- VSYNC_FREQ - Pin PD9(CN10 - PIN 38)Pin is toggled at each VSYNC
- RENDER_TIME - Pin PD8(CN10 - PIN 36)Pin is high when frame rendering begins, low when finished
- FRAME_RATE - Pin PC5(CN10 - PIN 37)Pin is toggled when the frame buffers are swapped.
- MCU_ACTIVE - Pin PC4(CN10 - PIN 35)Pin is high when framework is utilizing the MCU.
My code was:
void Screen1View::key_down(){
if(current_selected_index >=6){
current_selected_index = 6;
switch_to_new_selected_item(); //hide previous item's background and show new item's background.
From the waveform above, I can see the animation was done in a single cycle which max out the rendering time, causing the lagging effect.
I am thinking, I only changed 1/10 of the screen, which is way less than the band and cpu capability. Is there any setting I can use to fix this? I've tried this below but it did not work at all.
scrollList1.setAnimationSteps(0);//set 0 to disable moving animation, default=30, which is slow to eyes.
2024-08-29 5:08 AM
Hey @Arthur_UW,
I think if you manually change the selected item instead of using animateToItem(), you will be able to get better performance. I created a simple example to showcase what I mean, Keep in mind, it is not a perfect solution at all; it is just for demonstrating the idea of not using animateToItem.
I checked the performance on NUCLEO-G071RB + GFX01M2 and it looks acceptable.
I hope it can help you achieve what you are looking for!
2024-08-31 8:50 PM
Good, I flashed and tested the effect, and I think it's very good.
2024-08-31 8:54 PM
I measured the time performance:
The animation takes 3 cycles (of frame) which is why the lagging problem was solved.
Key code1:
void menuItem::changeBackgroundColorRandomly()
uint8_t r = rand() % 256;
uint8_t g = rand() % 256;
uint8_t b = rand() % 256;
background.setColor(Color::getColorFromRGB(r, g, b));
void menuItem::selectTheItem()
void menuItem::deselectTheItem()
void menuItem::updateItemNumber(uint16_t newNumber)
Unicode::snprintf(itemNameBuffer, ITEMNAME_SIZE, "%d", newNumber);
Key code2:
void Screen1View::scrollList1UpdateItem(menuItem& item, int16_t itemIndex)
void Screen1View::moveItemSelectorDown()
int16_t previousItem = 0;
const int MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT = 45;
if (selectedItemIndex + 1 < scrollList1.getNumberOfItems())
previousItem = selectedItemIndex;
if (scrollList1ListItems[selectedItemIndex].getY() > HAL::getInstance()->DISPLAY_HEIGHT - MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT)
scrollList1.moveTo(scrollList1.getX(),-320); //change page down
void Screen1View::moveItemSelectorUp()
int16_t previousItem = 0;
const int MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT = 45;
if (selectedItemIndex - 1 >= 0)
previousItem = selectedItemIndex;
if (scrollList1ListItems[selectedItemIndex].getY() < HAL::getInstance()->DISPLAY_HEIGHT - MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT)
scrollList1.moveTo(scrollList1.getX(), 0); //change page up
2024-09-01 6:16 AM
Thank you @Mohammad MORADI ESFAHANIASL !
and I hope this topic and solution is helpful to others too
2024-09-06 2:26 AM
You're very welcome!
Glad to hear it works with acceptable performance
Good luck,