2019-03-28 08:58 PM
I downloaded the IAR IDE and installed it, selecting the time-limited license so there isn't a limit on code size.
I downloaded STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0 and unzipped it.
I double-clicked on the Project.eww file in the STM32F769I-Discovery/Demonstrations/TouchGFX/EWARM folder.
I clicked Make and everything built. I clicked Download and Debug and got this error:
Fri Mar 29, 2019 14:08:45: Flash download warning: 30464212 out of 30464212 bytes from data record CODE:[0x90000000,0x91D0D8D3] will not be flashed
And now my Discovery board is a paper-weight. =)
Does anyone have any suggestions on why I got this error, or what to do about it? I am trying to evaluate TouchGFX and the F7 for a future line of products; I don't need all of the stuff that seems to be in this example project and in fact would prefer a much simpler startup project that just puts one button on the screen and does literally nothing else. I didn't see a TouchGFX Example, though; if anyone knows of one I would appreciate a link.
Edit: the STemWin_helloworld project works just fine.