‎2020-01-21 2:08 PM
I cannot seem to get an Application Template to run from STM32CubeIDE.
Using the following versions of tools:
TouchGFX 4.13.0
STM32CubeIDE 1.2.0
Windows 10
Here are the steps that I follow:
From within TouchGFX:
1. File->New
2. Select Application Template STM32F746G Discovery Kit
3. Select UI Template -> Blank UI
4. Name the project STDemo and Click Create
5. Add a white box that fills the entire canvas.
6. Add a button that I can tap
7. Click Generate Code
8. Click Run Target
This does work, and I get the desired white box and single button that I can tap. Yay!
NOTE: To get TouchGFX designer to "Run Target" I did have to install STM32CubeProgrammer. I don't recall reading this anywhere in the guides that have been posted, but is made apparent by the error message that TouchGFX Designer throws when STM32CubeProgrammer is not installed.
Now I want to put this into STM32CubeIDE so I can link the button with some code. Here are the steps that I follow using the project that was created above:
1. Navigate to the "TouchGFXProjects" folder on my C: drive
2. Locate the STDemo project that I created above.
3. Locate the "STM32CubeIDE" folder that TouchGFX created.
4. Locate the .cproject file with in the "STM32CubeIDE" folder and open it using STM32CubeIDE.
5. The project is successfully imported.
6. Right click on the project name and select "Build"
7. I get this error:
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/TouchGFXProjects/STDemo/TouchGFX/gui/src/logoargbbilinear127qspi_screen/LogoARGBBilinear127QSPIPresenter.cpp', needed by 'Application/User/gui/LogoARGBBilinear127QSPIPresenter.o'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
This is where I am stuck :(
The long term goal here is to get the new version of TouchGFX running on my custom hardware. I have the older version of TouchGFX from CubeMX 5.4 working on my custom board, but feel that it is "legacy" because of the new version of STM32CubeIDE and the X-Cube pack for TouchGFX. The best way to get this working is to start from a "known working setup", and this is by using the STM32F746G-Disco board. Once I can successfully get this board working from within the STM32CubeIDE I would like to get it working on my custom hardware.
‎2020-01-21 2:14 PM
I'll get back to you in the morning if that's okay. Thanks, by the way, for a very detailed post =)
The thing is that the "post generate command" in the .touchgfx file is what will add screens and assets to your projects (like CubeIDE, EWARM, MDKARM projects) after pressing the "Generate Code" button in Touchgfx. Can you try generating code from designer? And does LogoARGBBilinear127QSPIPresenter.cpp exist in your CubeIDE project? Sometimes you need to refresh manually in CubeIDE to see the updated structure
Also. I will see about making a note about st-link / cube programmer - and if it's already there will make it more apparent that you need to install it - Maybe with links.
‎2020-01-21 2:25 PM
I tried regenerating code from within TouchGFX Designer, same error. From within STM32CubeIDE I also tried right clicking on the project and clicking "refresh", that didn't help.
The file "LogoARGBBilenear127QSPIPresenter.cpp" does not exist in my project. I just let STM32CubeIDE import the project. I didn't do anything special after that such as import other files, I figured STM32CubeIDE would know which files to import. I have attached a screen shot of the structure of the freshly imported project. To me, it does seem incomplete.
EDIT: It looks like the files might want to be in the project, but they have this yellow exclamation mark next to them. Check the new screen shot
‎2020-01-21 2:29 PM
This looks really weird!
You have .o files listed, among other things. And no code files. Very strange. Send me the project.
‎2020-01-21 2:32 PM
I see you updated the post - Can you open those code files? Here's a CubeIDE project i just generated
‎2020-01-21 2:34 PM
‎2020-01-21 2:47 PM
‎2020-01-21 2:48 PM
Okay, i'll check it out tomorrow - nearing midnight here.
Does that error make sense to you? Is the file not there on disk?
‎2020-01-21 3:18 PM
The file is not on disk. It makes sense that there is an error for a file that seems like it should be there, but isn't. That file is not mine so I don't know if it should be there or not. I hope that makes sense. Yes, please get some sleep :) I understand how it can be difficult working with people on the other side of the world.
‎2020-01-21 3:31 PM
Okay, i thought it was your file. Then that's really mysterious!