2020-03-10 8:46 AM
I just started playing with STM32 tools and boards for my university thesis. Work would revolve around live video processing on an stm mcu. I am in possession of an stm32f746 discovery board, and was trying to hook up a camera (ov 7670) to it.
But, i wanted to route the dcmi pins out on the arduino styled connector on the back for ease of debugging and because i dont have a 0.5mm ffc cable to interface to the included camera port.
Can this be done? by right clicking the corresponding pins in cubemx i cannot find how to assign dcmi functions to some pins, and others only have a "locked" function (eg PI1 can only be assigned to DCMI_D8).
Is this an hardware limitation or am i doing something wrong?
2020-03-10 8:58 AM
> am i doing something wrong?
Yes, clicking around instead of reading the documentation.
Read at least the relevant chapters. Overview of GPIO, and 6.3.2 I/O pin alternate function multiplexer and mapping in the reference manual. It directs you at the end to the alternate function mapping table in the datasheet. There you can see all possible mappings for pin functions.