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Release of TouchGFX 4.12.3!

Chief III

Iiiiiiit's ... tiiiimeeee!

I'm pleased to finally be able to announce the release of TouchGFX 4.12.3, the first official release since 4.10.0. We've worked with CubeMX and CubeIDE to improve the integration experience some, so please get the latest versions of those (5.4.0 and 1.1.0 respectively). For CubeMX, you can upgrade to 5.4 through the software updater, or you can download it from as usual.

Please read the following for an overview.


  • Lowering memory requirements with Partial Frame Buffers
  • 8-bit framebuffers
  • L8 Image format (Pallette)
  • Improve performance with "Cacheable Container"
  • Binary fonts and languages
  • Custom Triggers and Actions
  • Image Manager with support for sections
  • Texture Mapper Widget and more...



TouchGFX designer supports the L4R9, yes. CubeMX does not support it for TouchGFX yet.


Associate III


Using this version, I have a problem when generating a project.

When i create a project, following line adding weardly;


In case you could missing the issue here, is that not RIGHT, it is RİGHT. An I with a point of it! "İ". So i am getting following error;

../touchgfx/generated/gui_generated/src/mainscreen_screen/mainscreenviewbase.cpp(25): error:  #135: class "touchgfx::AbstractDirectionProgress"  has no member "R\u00c4"
../touchgfx/generated/gui_generated/src/mainscreen_screen/mainscreenviewbase.cpp(25): error:  #7: unrecognized token
../touchgfx/generated/gui_generated/src/mainscreen_screen/mainscreenviewbase.cpp(25): error:  #18: expected a ")"
../touchgfx/generated/gui_generated/src/mainscreen_screen/mainscreenviewbase.cpp: 0 warnings, 3 errors

Of course i am fixing it but, every project creation, make me fix it! How can we solve this?


What you've linked to is the API - There should be something for 4.12.3 as well. Documentation is in a strange state where we haven't had a good platform on since the aquisition - It's something that's being investigated and worked on. Until then, documentation will be a bit shady.

If you check out the sticky about 4.12.3 you'll find some links to articles - Zendesk is the current touchgfx doc site. Let me know if you have any concrete questions, scott!


Wow, let me verify this. That's strange!


This is what i'm getting


Looks like your're getting some garbage during generation. I'll have a chat with the designer team to see if this is something they've experienced before.


Looks like it. Do you have any idea for the reasen? My other projects doesn't generate wrong file.

Edit: My compoter Turkish. I don't think it is because of my language settings. Is it?

Any strange language/locale settings on your end? It's the first time i've heard about this but there could be something we're not handling properly.


I will check for locale language setting for TGFX. I may made some locale settings.


The link you provided is API for 4.10.0, yes. The documentation for features can be found on You can find links in the release note (sticky in this subforum). We're still on our old platform and havent been able to migrate to yet but this is something that's ongoing and that they're working on fixing. So documentation is a bit shaky at the moment, sorry about that.

Let me know if you're not finding what you're looking for.
