2023-02-14 3:16 AM
I state that I have already seen this problem within the community, but I was unable to solve my problem.
I'm reading the TouchGFX Documentation to be able to develop an application: I followed the instructions in "Code Structure" with the simple example provided.
If I go to simulation, everything is ok.
If instead I try to execute "Run Target", I am returned:
make -f target/gcc/Makefile -j8
make: target/gcc/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'target/gcc/Makefile'. Stop.
Checking in "Config" of the TouchGFX Designer, I noticed that the lines "Compile Target Command" and "Flash Target Command" are not compiled.
I entered "make -f target/gcc/Makefile -j8" and "make -f target/gcc/Makefile -j10 flash" respectively.
The result doesn't change.
I also noticed that while the gcc folder is present in the "simulator" folder, it is not present in the "target" folder.
How can I solve the problem? What does it depend on?
Thank you in advance.
2023-02-15 1:24 AM
Thanks for your reply and for the tips.
As you can understand I'm a newbie in TouchGFX.
2023-02-15 5:24 PM
If you are working with an STM32H7B3dk board or a custom board with a similar display, I recommend to have a look at all the files in the TouchGFX/target folder of our example as this is where most of the user code is added to enable the display transfer and touch controller.