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Missing calls in stm32h7xx_it.c when generating code with latest release Version 6.6.1

Senior III

Hello software team of STM32CubeMX,

I have a huge project on an STM32H7 which uses DMA on 2 USART ports and SPI, has USB interrupt activated and a Timer. The project also uses TouchGFX with FreeRTOS. When generating code of the unchanged - but migrated - .ioc file, the HAL calls for some interrupts are missing when generated with the latest version 6.6.1.

As I always compare previous version and newly generated versions in order to see the difference and maybe to include some changes which I have to include manually, I discovered the missing calls. Interrupts are activated in the Cube correctly, but the needed calls for handlers are not included (e.g. HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_usart3_rx);)

Please see attached the .ioc. I also added the stm32h7xx_it.c module, where I have put the missing calls in the "User code" sections, so they will not be missing next time I generate code.


Chief III

I see this on any version on first generation after migrate. You need repeat generation twice.

I didn't notice this before. But you are right. After another "generate-code" the calls are there.

But to my opinion this should be corrected by ST-

Furthermore I now see an additional call for a TouchGFX initialisation which was not there in the previous generate codes: (MX_TouchGFX_PreOSInit();)

My confidence in this code generator is not very high...