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List of LCD drivers supported by TouchGFX ?

Associate II


I want to know about the display drivers which touchgfx supported directly, so that I can decide which LCD suitable with TouchGFX like TouchGFX supports ILI9325 and OTM8009a.

But I want to know complete lcd driver list.

Thanks in advance.


TouchGFX does not support displays. You can make any display work. The 429 has a TFT Controller, so you can use any 7" parallel RGB display.


Associate II

Hi @Martin KJELDSEN​ 

I am trying to interface 7" TFT RGB with STM32F769I-DISCO. Actually trying to make configuration in CubeMX. but could not get required Memory Data bus of 32bit. getting only 16bit to interface with Memory IC MT48LC4M32B2B5-6A. My application needs 2xCAN, Ethernet, USB, 2xUART, I2C CAP touch. STM32F769I-DISCO have MIPI-DSI interface with 32bit wide data bus to memory. Is there any other solution to interface SDRAM Memory with 16bit only ? will it work with LTDC for frame buffer ?

I am exploring 7" MIPI displays but not available with our supplier. Also wanted to know about LVDS interface with STM32F769 to with larger TFT LCD

Thanks in advance.

Associate II

found this example with 32MB X16 bit for SDRAM. I understood that FMC can drive 8/16/32 bit width data bus. need to figure out correct SDRAM IC for my application.

First of all, thank you for your answer. At this stage of my project I want to use a 7inch screen using SSD1963 and FSMC.

This is the screen I want to use:

Can I use TouchGFX with the STM32F429 processor with this screen?


I have worked a little bit with STemWin. It was not easy and its not a easy tool, but in STemWin is a very big list of drivers:

Ampire FSA506

Epson S1D13742, S1D13743, S1D19122

FocalTech FT1509

Himax HX8301, HX8312A, HX8325A, HX8340, HX8347,

HX8352, HX8352B, HX8353

Hitachi HD66766, HD66772, HD66789

Ilitek ILI9161, ILI9220, ILI9221, ILI9320, ILI9325,

ILI9326, ILI9328, ILI9342, ILI9481

LG Electronics LGDP4531, LGDP4551

MagnaChip D54E4PA7551

Novatek NT39122, NT7573

OriseTech SPFD5408, SPFD54124C, SPFD5414D,


Renesas R61505, R61509, R61516, R61526, R61580,


Samsung S6D0110A, S6D0117, S6D0128, S6D0129,


Sharp LCY-A06003, LR38825

Sitronix ST7628, ST7637, ST7712, ST7715, ST7735,

ST7787, ST7789

Solomon SSD1284, SSD1289, SSD1298, SSD1355,

SSD1961, SSD1963, SSD2119

Toshiba JBT6K71

I think these drivers are even supported via CubeMX too or you can setup the driver (just write the name of the driver in the setup of STemWin) and thats all. I'm looking for a driver ILI9163V. A few LCD-drivers I have found in the cube repository, the firmware-packages: STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.2\Drivers\BSP\Components. But the driver I am looking for is not there. The TouchGFX is the better tool, but very hard to write the driver and there are no tutorials for that. But that's very important. For industrial applications we need often small displays and so use the FMC from the µC and write a driver for TouchGFX. Its a nice tool, but if you get nothing on the screen its frustrating. ST should work on the driver issue.

I have set up my µC in CubeMX and enabled TouchGfx. In the cubeIDE there is the file <TouchGFXHAL.cpp> there I have to do all the driverintegration.

With the Discovery-Board >STM32L496G-Disco< I have setup a easy example in TouchGFX (you can choose this discoveryboard and the rest is very easy). Then I have looked to the code (CubeIDE) generated by TouchGFX. The driverdetails are written in <TouchGFXHAL.cpp>. And there are two other files (st7789h2.c/.h) with some init-functions and so on, called from functions written in <TouchGFXHAL.cpp>. So its very poor for such a good tool that there are only a few examples to see how it works and there I have found no tutorial or pdf for details.

I hope I'm right, but I don't know: First I have to write (test) some colors at the display (without TouchGFX) and in a second step use TouchGFX and setup <TouchGFXHAL.cpp>. The display-distributor should give me a "driver" and then write it for STM32-Cube-IDE in a simular way like the driver st7789h2.c/.h found in the repository.


Did you plan to create video tutorial about using TouchGFX with casual wide screen (about 15") with touch from internet shops. Tutorial for unavailable in shops MB1407 is not prospectively.

@Jeanne Joly_O​ 

Dear Martin, I have more or less the same issue. I developed my driver for initializing and transfering to an 80 - 8bit parallel LCD (320x240) with 565 (or 666) color mode (i think 666 is not supported by touchgfx isn't it?).

Now I need to understand precisely the workflow to integrate and setup Touchgfx (from cubemx to touchgfx designer passing through the hooks to be written int the driver and the connection with touchgfx.

Could you kindly give me some hints?

Thanks in advance.

Did you plan to create video tutorial about using TouchGFX with casual wide screen (about 15") with touch from internet shops. Tutorial for unavailable in shops MB1407 is not prospectively.

@Jeanne Joly_O​ 

 @Martin KJELDSEN​ 


It is not in our plan to make a tutorial for wide screens. There might be tutorials online. The steps to set a wide screen are the same as for a smaller one, the only difference will be the clock setttings/width/height/buffer size. But what you will need to be careful is if your MCU will be able to drive such a big display and if you have enough memory to store the framebuffer.
