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Linker errors and "Run target" fails

Associate III

hi everyone,

i wanted to create a project with touchGFX but there are errors, i just create the graphic interface, i didn't add any code!

even though when i tried to upload to my card an example it said error too!

how can i resolve this?




Yes @Martin KJELDSEN​  this is it! The touch won’t work if this file is empty even though the driver (ts) is here! But when I copy paste the code generated by TouchGFX Designer, the touch work so if this file is empty the touch won’t work! I want to know how it’s possible to make this file not empty with CubeIDE without “copy paste�??


It's working as intended =) You're getting the right ideas now.

As i said, CubeMX does not know anything about touch controllers. This is BSP! It only does MCU configuration.

The application template comes with a working project. What we did is start from cubemx/generator (like you) and then manually made the touch controller work, manually configured SDRAM and QSPI, because that's how you would bring up a custom board. The touch controller is display/board specific! CubeMX has no clue, so you need to write the code yourself. And that's what we did for you, in all the application templates.


You could then go on to say that you should NEVER create a new TouchGFX HAL for a well known stm32 board that is supported by the designer, unless you're just eager to learn. Otherwise we already did the work.


Thank you @Martin KJELDSEN​ this is very cool! I have one more question please :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: in TouchGFX in interaction I used slide to change screen but when I debug and run the code there’s no slide it changes the screen without slide, what’s the problem?


I think you'll have to be more specific. But my guess is that you do not have an "animation storage" buffer allocated. You allocate this when you configure the TouchGFX HAL.


hi @Martin KJELDSEN​ ,

so i have to add the code as I did for SDRAM, QSPI & FMC?

Well, in this case you just need to configure your TouchGFX HAL differently. Here's the doc for HAL::setFrameBufferStartAddress()

     * @fn virtual void HAL::setFrameBufferStartAddress(void* adr, uint16_t depth = 16, bool useDoubleBuffering = true, bool useAnimationStorage = true)
     * @brief Sets the address used for frame buffers, usually located in external memory.
     *        Sets the address used for frame buffers, usually located in external memory. Will
     *        reserve memory for one or two frame buffers based on display size. Will optionally
     *        also reserve memory for a third frame buffer used for animationStorage.
     * @param [in] adr                 Starting address to use for frame buffers.
     * @param      depth               (Optional) Depth of each pixel in bits, default is 16.
     * @param      useDoubleBuffering  (Optional) If true, reserve memory for an extra frame buffer.
     * @param      useAnimationStorage (Optional) If true, reserve memory for animation storage.
     * @deprecated Use the setFramaBufferStartAddress with 'format' parameter instead of 'depth'
    virtual void setFrameBufferStartAddress(void* adr, uint16_t depth = 16, bool useDoubleBuffering = true, bool useAnimationStorage = true)

The key here is to tell HAL to use an additional buffer (same size as framebuffer) for snapshots when doing screen animations.

Okay @Martin KJELDSEN​  ! But in which file I have to add this? TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp or TouchGFXHAL.cpp because when I open these 2 files I already found setFrameBufferStartAddresss(void* framebuffer,void* doubleBuffer, void * aniamationStorage)

TouchGFXHAL.cpp, you cannot modify GeneratedHAL. You have your HAL::initialize() function there you can use to call the base class init (TouchGFXGeneratedHAL) and reconfigure what you want.

void TouchGFXHAL::initialize()
    // Calling parent implementation of initialize().
    // To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
    // and implemented needed functionality here.
    // Please note, HAL::initialize() must be called to initialize the framework.

Reconfigure framebuffer addresses here. Use:;

* setFrameBufferStartAddress, with arguments (bitdepth, use animation storage, ...), if you want touchgfx to decide where to place the buffers

* setFrameBufferStartAddresses, if you want to supply the exact location of each buffer

I'm sorry @Martin KJELDSEN​  if I ask lots of question but I really want to learn

Is this correct?

I add :

TouchGFXGeneratedHAL::setFrameBufferStartAddresses(frameBuffer0, 0, (void*)USE_ANIMATION_STORAGE);
