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touchgfx error during generating code

Associate II

Hi there,

There is the following error in TouchGFX when I try to Generate Code, even for the previous projects that already generated code successfully. I uninstall and reinstall it and try other versions, but it failed again. 


the message of the error:

Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
The system cannot find the file specified.


Accepted Solutions

Thank you for your patience and guidance. The issue was resolved, it was related to a change in "Environment Variables" in windows that I edited few days ago.

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @STjohn and welcome to the community!


Could you share your project?

If you can't, what are the steps to reproduce the issue?
It looks like the Makefile is unavailable. Perhaps you have deleted it, moved it or you generated code in STM32CubeMX with the wrong toolchain (it should be STM32CubeIDE if you want to flash from TouchGFX Designer).



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Thank you for responding,

All my touchgfx projects ran successfully on the other PC, but I have this issue only with a special PC that it also worked fine until a couple days ago.

I attached a sample project that generated code successfully on the other PC except my PC. 

No problem!

So I guess it is a configuration issue, not much I can help with. But since it works on another PC it is ok with you.

You have not attached anything. :)



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

sorry, I attached it. 

what do you mean by "configuration issue"? because everything is the same in all PCs.

Hello @STjohn ,


You project generates fine on my PC.

Since it is a PC problem and you have another one available, do you still want to trouble shoot or are you fine using the PC that works as a solution for your problem?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Dear @GaetanGodart, this is my working PC and I need to troubleshoot it, so I would really appreciate it if you helped me.



Can you check the default compiler of both PC?

Why is the non generating PC "special" ("but I have this issue only with a special PC").

What you you done on the non generating PC in the last 2 days before the incident ("it also worked fine until a couple days ago").


Again, I think it will be hard for me to help you troubleshooting why your PC doesn't generate anymore.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Thank you for your patience and guidance. The issue was resolved, it was related to a change in "Environment Variables" in windows that I edited few days ago.

ST Employee

That is great to hear! :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)