2020-11-28 2:11 AM
We are a team of developers working on an electronic back mirror application (for cars and / or bicycles). We would like to create a functional demonstrator using a stm32F746-Disco board which we have on hand.
Since the image has to be mirrored we hoped that we could program the DMA engines of the LTDC or the DMA2D unit accordingly rathe rthan mirroring in SW ?
Best Regards,
Jan Stöfer
2020-11-28 12:54 PM
best choice is mirror on LCD driver or camera. Search control register to it, but this mirror full display
2020-11-28 4:53 PM
There's no hardware on the STM32s which can do this operation. As MM..1 said, choose a camera or LCD which support mirroring (i.e. changing scan order).
Although this won't help you directly, please consider voting for
https://community.st.com/s/ideazone#0873W000000PAuxQAG .
2020-11-29 2:33 AM
Hi MM1, JW,
checked the datasheet of my camera. Looks like it probably can change scan order.
So I will go that way.
Thanks for your answers, which helped.