2020-11-27 6:28 PM
Where can I find a IOC file for the STM32H7B3I-DK? As this is a ST supplied Discovery Kit, there should be a IOC file that includes all the CPU internal memory and external memories and GPIOs defined. CubeMX 1.8.0 and TouchGFX 4.15 generate different IOC files even when I start by selecting the STM32H7B3I-DK as the starting point.
2020-11-28 1:51 AM
What do you mean by "generate different IOC files"? Different in which respect? As the ioc files include not only e.g. peripheral setup but also clock settings etc. there are naturally different options even for the very same hardware. And even for a specific peripheral on the same hardware, there are sometimes different choices. Did you check STM32CubeMX/db/plugins/boardmanager/boards/H75_Discovery_STM32H7B3I-DK_STM32H7B3LIH_Board_AllConfig.ioc ? Maybe that's what you're looking for.
2020-11-29 2:03 PM
Hi Andreas,
Thank you for the suggestion.
From the filename I think this should be the file I am looking for that defines all the default peripherals and memory setup for the DK board. I searched my C: drive and there are a few files called "H75_Discovery_STM32H7B3I-DK_STM32H7B3LIH_Board_AllConfig.ioc" and I selected what appears to be the most recent in the folder "C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.4.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.common.mx_6.1.0.202011121557\db\plugins\boardmanager\boards"
I made a new folder and copied the IOC file into that folder and renamed it to match the folder name.
I then double clicked on the ioc file to open it in CubeMX.
It appears that most peripherals are configured, but as I am new to STM and specifically this DK, I cannot easily verify they are all correct. I am concerned they may not be 100% correct when I see the LTDC configuration in CubeMX does not match the LCD supplied on this DK. Specifically, the LCD specification in the LTDC section of CubeMX is displayed as 640 x 480, when the DK has 480 x 272 LCD fitted.
It appears there are missing definitions for the LCD (LTDC) in "Board_AllConfig.ioc",
If I compare to the "All" ioc to an IOC output from a working TouchGFX generated IOC , then the following is missing from the "All".
I assume these are OK as the TouchGFX project runs.
There are many other differences in the IOC between the "All" and "TouchGFX generated IOC.... A bit of an unknown for me on which other settings are missing or incorrect...
It would be helpful if the CubeMX would sort in alphabetical order all the lines it saves into the IOC when changes are made. It would then be far easier for us all to compare one IOC file to another for most sections ....
The CubeMX tool is a great idea and has huge potential... the one thing that needs improvement to make onboarding easier is a more solid foundational starting point for the DK boards as they are specifically intended to provide a defined environment to learn/experiment.