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Is it possible to activate LibJPEG for STM32U5 to play videos from TouchGFX?

Associate II

Normally, it's possible to activate LibJPEG in CubeMX to enable software decoding for MJEPG videos in TouchGFX. Is this also possible for STM32U5 (I'm using the STM32U5A9J-DK), as this option doesn't seem to be available in CubeMX?

Ghofrane GSOURI
ST Employee

Hello @JWill.11​ 

First let me thank you for posting.

By checking the UM2883 STM32CubeU5 main features ,the STM32CubeU5 MCU package doesn't contain the LibJPEG (an open source implementation on STM32 for JPEG images encoding and decoding ).

In the other hand and by checking the UM2204 STM32CubeH7 main features, the STM32CubeH7 MCU Package contains the LibJPEG .



Associate II

Thanks a lot for your answer. Do you see any possibility to activate this feature in STM32U5, so I can enable video decoding for TouchGFX? Maybe generating a CubeMX package.

Thanks a lot for your answer. Do you see any possibility to activate this feature in STM32U5, so I can enable video decoding for TouchGFX? Maybe generating a CubeMX package.