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Dear communityI have a strange behaviour, when I want to read the flash of an STM32U5A9 in a FreeRTOS task. I have a function, that programs incrementing numbers on a whole flash page of 8 KB (confirmed with J-Mem, that programming worked). If I want...
Dear communityI'm searching for a solution to have a common status bar (with a battery indicator, that is updated through the model) on all screens. I'm imagining a solution, where I can add a inheritance to the view of a screen (like in Solved: Exam...
I'm using a STM32U5A9J-DK with TouchGFX. Smaller projects work just fine. But aufter integrating an Animated Image (approx. 37 MBytes of assets), the programming fails. The console log is as follows:STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.3....
Normally, it's possible to activate LibJPEG in CubeMX to enable software decoding for MJEPG videos in TouchGFX. Is this also possible for STM32U5 (I'm using the STM32U5A9J-DK), as this option doesn't seem to be available in CubeMX?