2021-02-05 1:00 AM
2021-02-05 6:59 AM
Could you try to run the simulator from the TouchGFX environment ( follow this article ) ?
Could you also try to create another project with a Application template for any development board and a UI template/demo ?
2021-02-05 1:56 AM
That is intriguing. Are there any error message ? Do you have spaces in the folder path (shouldn't if at default location since it would be /c/TouchGFX but could you verify ?) ? Are you using a private or company computer ? There could be conflicts with your firewalls.
2021-02-05 2:11 AM
I don't see any errors. I have installed it in the default location (wondering why it is not able to install in "Program Files" hence we are in 2021 I like to have my programs installed in programs location and not on the root). :)
I use a company computer, but I should have hole trough.
Here is the output:
Run Simulator
Copy Framework
Copying TouchGFX framework version 4.16.0 to C:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication_2\touchgfx
Wrote config/gcc/app.mk
Wrote config/msvs/Application.props
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendApplicationBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendHeapBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/SimConstants.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/main_screen/MainViewBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/common/FrontendApplicationBase.cpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/main_screen/MainViewBase.cpp
Wrote generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile
Wrote generated/simulator/include/simulator/mainBase.hpp
Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx.props
Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx_prebuild.targets
Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx_sdl2.props
Wrote generated/simulator/src/mainBase.cpp
Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.ico
Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.rc
Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.res
Wrote simulator/gcc/Makefile
Wrote simulator/main.cpp
Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.sln
Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj
Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj.filters
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
Post Generate
touchgfx update_project --project-file=simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile -j8
Noerrors, but still no window with graphics. Is it relying on java or something else, that it doesn't install by itself?
2021-02-05 6:11 AM
Exist exe file ?
2021-02-05 6:59 AM
Could you try to run the simulator from the TouchGFX environment ( follow this article ) ?
Could you also try to create another project with a Application template for any development board and a UI template/demo ?
2021-02-06 10:27 PM
It is run from TouchGFX environment. I have tried with a custom design and with a few UI templates and for the STM32H7B3I-DK board.
But the window I see in every demo video just doesn't show.
I think I'm doing exectly as I'm expected to do.
2021-02-06 10:39 PM
Just installed TouchGFX on my personal computer, works right out the box, no problems. But is also using much more time on building than on the stationary computer, on which I need it to work.
So maybe the compilation part doesn't work.
2021-02-07 1:01 AM
Use file explorer
locate files about build and try check logs
too you dont reply exist exe file?
Locate in explorer inside project folder build\bin\simulator.exe and run it directly.
Maybe you found errors.
2021-02-07 1:49 AM
I can't reply to your question, because it is on my work computer the problem exist, and I am home on weekend. I will find out tomorrow. :)
I just installed TouchGFX on my personal computer at home with no problem. Just wanted to orient on that.
2021-02-07 10:53 PM
I can't find any simulator.exe file.