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I have a project to display some text using touchgfx. I'm using a custom H750 board, a LCD-TFT display. My LTDC, DMA2D, SPI is working fine but when i try including touchgfx, every time the framebuffer gets zero.

Associate II

 I'm not using rtos, my touchgfx process is included in while(1). After debugging through IAR, i've run it and below image is from the .map file. I've also checked the memory address, it is getting zero only.0693W000000WouwQAC.png

Chief III

Could you start by telling me how you created this project?


Associate II

Hi Martin,

I started this project from CubeMX for IAR. From CubeMX, i initialized the below mentioned. I can display some image or text by directly putting an array into LTDC Framebuffer start address. But i need to use TouchGFX for my design. I'm not using RTOS.0693W000000WqCIQA0.png0693W000000WqCDQA0.png

Associate II

After creating through CubeMX, i opened the .part file to simply add an background in black and a text in white and i generated code.

Chief III

If you pause your program and inspect the framebuffer, nothing is there?

Associate II

No it is always zero. If i pause it, it is going to hardfault handler.0693W000000Wtb6QAC.png

Associate II

I was commenting out CRC_Init(), Now i removed the commenting and this new fault is coming up0693W000000WtdWQAS.png

Okay. TouchGFX is CRC-locked to STM32 so commenting that out is a bad idea :)

Check your freertos mem strategy, size of stack and heap.


Associate II

I'm not using freertos at all. In the driver section you see "NO OS". I want to create this project without RTOS. I didn't change the default stack and heap size.0693W000000Wu8PQAS.png0693W000000WqCIQA0.png

Sorry, forgot you werent :) Check your fault registers to find out what kind of fault this is.