2021-06-26 6:14 AM
BSP_TS_GetState inTouchGFX Return Hardfault and the i2c4 state is always Reset in the BSP_TS_Init. i use STM32H735 Discovery Kit.
2021-06-28 6:55 PM
Hello MSale.1,
We have the Application template for H735-DK in TouchGFX Designer. Are you saying that the touch controller does not work on the code we provide ?
Or is it your own project that is not working ? If so, you should check the Application template.
A touch controller is simply an I2C communication. Are you sure your I2C peripheral is correctly initialized ?
2021-06-29 1:59 AM
@Alexandre RENOUX
The Application Template is working fine. i build new project using the CUBE IDE. After i disabled the I2C in the CUBE configuration the BSP_TS_Init work fine but i can not get the touch controller ID.
its fails here exactly.
/* Wait until TXIS flag is set */
if (I2C_WaitOnTXISFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, Timeout, Tickstart) != HAL_OK)
return HAL_ERROR;
of course i must use the BSP here cause touchgfx use this functions as well.
I did it this way with many discovery boards and never faced such issues.
I did nothing with the I2C initialization. i just use your BSP Package.
2021-06-29 5:26 PM
Hi MSale.1,
If you cannot get the touch controller ID, this means BSP_TS_Init does not work fine. Make sure FT5336_Probe() returns no error.
Try to trace back what are the differences between your new code and the Application Template. If the hardware is the same, you must have something wrong in your new code.
2021-06-30 12:24 AM
Hi @Alexandre RENOUX
The BSP_TS_Init does not return any error. I dont think the problem in the code its just generated code from the CUBE IDE.
There are no differences really between your template and my code. maybe the clock configuration so i will check it. I dont know if you used the CUBE IDE to generate your template or not but if you did not then it will be good idea to try to create custom project on that board.
2021-06-30 12:53 AM
Hi @Community member ,
Could you share your project in this thread ?
Beforehand, please delete the following folders to make the project smaller in size :
2021-06-30 1:14 PM
2021-07-06 2:15 AM
Hi @Alexandre RENOUX
Any update?
2021-07-06 10:40 PM
Hello MSale.1,
I cannot compile because the wiced/ folder is missing. Could you send it to me ?
2021-07-13 9:55 AM