2019-06-19 8:16 PM
Hi, I am trying to draw a sine wave, but just confused that how to specify the width and height, particularly for the setRange() functions, the graphic it draws are not I expected, sometime too small, sometime draw nothing. My Demo Screen is 800 * 480 (PC UI), I want to draw a sine wave graphic that the height is 240 and its width is 800.
The attachment is my source code, thanks!!!
2019-06-30 1:57 PM
Before i start checking code - Can you show me what you have on screen? I'll try to explain the things you're requesting when i'm back at the office.
2019-07-15 7:42 PM
Yes, here it is.
2019-07-16 11:17 PM
Graph in the touchgfx-open-repository-master folder can fulfill your requirements
2019-08-05 5:24 AM
Hi, back from vacation here. Did you get anywhere on your own in the meantime? Just by looking it seems your graph Container may not be tall enough so you're essentially cutting off the peaks. Just a quick guess.
2019-08-29 12:36 AM
2019-08-29 12:38 AM
Yes, I think my container should be improved again.