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How to develop an application with CubeIDE and TouchGFX using only flash memory and internal RAM with 8080 interfaced display.

Associate III

Good morning everyone

I state that I am a newbie and have never used CubeIde and TouchGFX.

We would like to develop an application using the CubeIde (gcc) and the TouchGFX at the same time.

We would then like to use a processor of the STM32L4 or L4 + family using only the internal flash memory and RAM (therefore, no external flash or RAM) interfaced to the display via 8080 protocol.

Is it possible to do it?

If yes, how can this be done?

We have read various documents and various interventions on the forum, but we have not found everything we need.

Many thanks to all


Chief III

Hi @Alberto​,

Right now CubeMX is not capable of enabling TouchGFX for L4/L4+.

It's possible to do, but right now you'd have to do it by hand. We're working on a solution that will remedy these restrictions - It should be out sometime december.

It's not a super simple thing to create a port by hand from scratch. And i'm affraid we do not have a guide for how to do that, yet.


Associate III

Hi @Martin KJELDSEN​ 

First of all, thank you very much for your reply.

Is it possible, under the conditions listed, to enable TouchGFX via CubeIde (not CubeMX)?

I have another question, to which I have not found an answer either in the forum or in the documents.

Using, for example, a processor of the STM32F (or STM32H) family and an external display controller (therefore contained in the display) how can we enable the TouchGFX via CubeIde without enabling the LTDC middleware component? Is it possible?

Can you suggest me one or more discovery or evaluation cards to do targeted tests?

Thanks again

Chief III

CubeIDE uses a CubeMX plugin which has the same features the standalone does, so that won't be an option.

What you can do is to configure your board using CubeMX - Memories, etc, and make sure they work and that you can show something on your display and then i'll help you with getting TouchGFX to run.


So, as I understand it, we will create the project via CubeMX by setting all the peripherals on our board, then it will be possible to use TouchGFX.

In the future, will it be possible to set the features of our board via CubeIDE then use TouchGFX without using CubeMX (to be able to also develop the firmware in CubeIDE)?

Thanks again and sorry for these questions that could be trivial.


Yes it will be possible to use only CubeIDE (which uses the CubeMX plugin). And also, in the future it will be possible to configure TouchGFX from within for MCUS other than the current, forced options F4 and F7.

You can do all your TouchGFX development from CubeIDE, if that's what you're asking, but it would be rather pointless when the Designer can help you save tons of hours. The normal workflow is: Create screen definitions in TouchGFX designer (it can update your CubeIDE project with generated files), Go to CubeIDE and do additional firmware development, configure peripherals, etc. Deploy.

Don't be sorry - No question is trivial :)



Certainly, in fact I meant what you later confirmed to me:

- set the peripherals via CubeIDE;

- generate the GUI via TouchGFX;

- develop application firmware via CubeIDE.

I will wait for all this to be possible even taking advantage of an external control display without having to set up LTDC.

Thanks again Martin


That's the dream workflow =) And we've realized it using this new "thing" we've made. No more restrictions. E.g. As a demo: touchGFX working out of internal memory on an F412 through an SPI display.