2019-11-01 9:29 AM
I'm using SW4STM32. with cubeMX 5.4.0 and newly touchGFX 4.10.0
Now SW4STM32 throws 2 errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/projectName/TouchGFX/generated/fonts/src/FontGetters.cpp', needed by 'generated/fonts/FontGetters.o'. Stop. DefaultStartPoint C/C++ Problem
the C:/projectName/TouchGFX/generated/fonts/src/FontGetters.cpp was created with 4.10.0 and with 4.12.3 not.
What do I do wrong?
Thanks for your answer
2019-11-04 1:26 AM
Hi @rzapp,
Even if CubeMX supports SW4 our TouchGFX updater does not - It's designed to work with CubeIDE .project/.cproject files, but you can try your luck. It may work.
I think your actual issue is that you have not generated code through the designer - Let me know.
2019-11-04 5:55 AM
Hi Martin
No, I have generated code through the designer for shure. After converting the 4.10.0 Project into a 4.12.3 the generated folder is deleted. Only after compiling it is generated again. But I still changed my project to STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0
Everything is good with the Toolchain
cubeMX 5.4.0
TouchGFX 4.10.0
STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0
After updating the touchGFX to 4.12.3
The STM32cubeIDE 1.1.0 throws also an error from the generated fonts parts
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/ProjectName/TouchGFX/generated/fonts/src/FontGetters.cpp', needed by 'generated/fonts/FontGetters.o'. Stop.
I only changed the setting Toolchain / IDE to STM32CubeIDE in the cubeMX, tab Project Manager for changing from SW4STM32 to STM32CubeIDE
can you please help me?