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how to design a custom board for STM32H7B0VBT6 for implementing TouchGFX

Associate III


I designed many boards and implemented TouchGFX using several STM32 uC's before...

but never used a 100pin uC...

So I force to use an admux psram for buffering lcd and other things...

I searched a long time and just find two chips of "AS1C4M16PL-70BIN" and "AS1C8M16PL-70BIN". unfortunately bouth of them are 1.8V chips. can anyone introduce me another chip please?

Or I am forced to run the uC in 1.8V?


the internal flash of STM32H7B0VBT6 is just 128Kbyte. is this enough for implementing TouchGFX? (I want use an QSPI or OSPI flash for pics and fonts).



Chief II

You dont explain LCD resolution. Based on this you dont need external RAM. But external flash yes.

Associate III

for 1 framebuffer for a 480*272 display internal RAM is enough but how about a 2 framebuffer mode? (cause I want use a lot of animations and transitions, I need 2 framebuffer) It occupy almost 512Kbyte of RAM. is the 512Kbyte remaining RAM enough for other works and TouchGFX itself?

the thing is it's possible to use a 800*480 display for later works... So... I prefer to use an external RAM.

I am working on another custom board right now... but touchGFX occupy 160Kbyte of internal flash... this worries me a lot!!

Perhaps the Value-Line isn't the right choice. It probably has more flash internally on-die, but if you need to use a H7B3 or H7A3

ISSI has some 3.0V parts, but can you use 1.8V for the MCU/Memory, and go to 3.0 or 3.3V at the interfaces to other things?

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Associate III

unfortunately there is no STM32 in the market!! a local shop in my country has a lot of this STM32H7B0VBT6 uC!! this is the reason why I choose this uC!!!

do you remember their part number? yes... probably I be forced to use this method!!

Associate III

unfortunately there is no STM32 in the market!! a local shop in my country has a lot of this STM32H7B0VBT6 uC!! this is the reason why I choose this uC!!!

do you remember their part number? yes... probably I be forced to use this method!!