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How to compile a project using touchGfx for target, not simulator ?

Associate III

I'm working on a project using touchGfx and expected to be running on a WB55 processor (this is not important, except for that there is no WB55 based existing demo for touchGfx).

So i used STM32MX to configure some basic items, amongst which the fact i'm using Touchgfx.

Then i went into TouchGfx Designer to design the UI interface and flow.

The code compile and works perfectly as long as i was building for the simulator.

Now that i"m happy with the result in the simulator, next step is to compile and run for the hardware target based on WB55.

I know i'll soon or later have to write some low level code for instance for the LCD display and the TouchScreen, but i wanted to already get a first compile ( even not working or even with some errors) from STM32IDE. So i went into STM32MX and generate code (again, just in case).

Then i launch STM32IDE, import the project. I can see all the files (core, drivers, middleware, touchGfx) and inside TouchGfx i see all the files i wrote that are running fine with the simulator.

The problem is when i start compiling, almost no files from TouchGfx are being compiled. The drivers compile, the Core compiles, the touchGfx/App/app_toucgfx.c is being compiled. But none of the files inside TouchGfx/generated or TouchGfx/gui or TouchGfx/target are beling build/compiled and of course the build process fails because of undefined references.

So my question is how can i build my project (using touchgfx) from STM32IDE ?

Btw, i also tried to generate the code for IAR (>8.20) and there also all the TouchGfx related files are not compiled (they even don't appear in the project view.

Thanks for any pointers toward a solution.


Hello @LVers.1​ ,

You don't have to share the whole project, I understand that it may contain some private work. What I need is a simple project (can be done by anyone) that shows the issue you are facing. You can create a new one and leave it empty. The GUI doesn't have to be complete.



Associate III


I think i could solve my issue, thanks to you.

As suggested i started a new minimal project to demonstrate the issue and, o suprise, there it works.

So i started to compare that project with my project having the issue and i saw that there were actually 2 .project and 2 .cproject file .

One set of file is located in project/STM32CubeIDE and i believe this is the right place and there was another set of files in project/ (project top level directory). I deleted those 2 files and suddenly it compiles fine from inside STM32IDE !

Thanks for the support. I must admit i was probably too lazy to make the new project by myself, so thanks for pushing me doing it :-)

Stay tuned, i'll probably come back very soon with new questions,
