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How to combine TouchGFX , WPAN BLE & Sequencer ?

Associate II


In my project, I have an epaper screen driven by TouchGFX (4.22.0), Bluetooth and I try to manage the solution with the sequencer.

Without the sequencer and bluetooth, the epaper works fine.

I follow this solution Howto combine TouchGFX and WPAN BLE ? to manage TouchGFX, WPAN & sequencer all together. 

But I never go in the function "touchgfx_taskEntry". Did I miss something ?

Edit :

I follow the code step by step.

During the initialisation, I see the task "shci_user_evt_proc" is well register in TaskCb by the function UTIL_SEQ_RegTask.

But when I arrive at "UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(1 << CFG_TASK_SYSTEM_GFX_ID, UTIL_SEQ_RFU, touchgfx_taskEntry);", I don't go in UTIL_SEQ_Task. The execution go directly to startup_stm32wb.s at line 128 : Infinite_Loop:


I found that if I comment the "TL_Enable()" function in appe_Tl_Init(), I could register the task CFG_TASK_SYSTEM_GFX_ID.

But I never go in the touchgfx_taskEntry() function anyway.


Ok, I found why it didn't work. I didn't understand how the sequencer work.

I missed to call ''UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(1 << CFG_TASK_SYSTEM_GFX_ID, CFG_SCH_PRIO_0);'', so the task was never call, so I never enter in the touchgfx_taskEntry() function.

But the "TL_Enable()" function in appe_Tl_Init() still block the system. If I comment it, the rest of the program work correctly.


Accepted Solutions
Associate II

I solved my problem.

I had a bad configuration for IPCC interrupts & a bad confuguration for RFWKP Clock Mux in CubeMX (LSE was selected instead of HSE).

View solution in original post

Associate II

I solved my problem.

I had a bad configuration for IPCC interrupts & a bad confuguration for RFWKP Clock Mux in CubeMX (LSE was selected instead of HSE).