2022-04-16 10:13 PM
2022-04-22 6:47 AM
Hello @MMOHA.1 ,
You may get inspired from the example within STM32CubeF4 MCU package:
Hope this helped you!
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best.
2022-04-22 7:29 AM
2022-04-23 1:17 PM
Thank you for your reply
I have opened this example STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\Camera\Camera_To_USBDisk.
And found that DMA2 Stream1 channel1 is configured to transfer the picture from DCMI peripheral
to an external RAM used by the LCD as a frame buffer.
In my project, I can not use LCD I want to save the picture directly to the SD card.
The question is:
Is this possible to save the picture directly to the SD Card or It is necessary to use an external ram as a frame buffer?
And if It is necessary to use an external ram as a frame buffer can you recommend a suitable external ram to use with the STM32F407 Discovery board?
Thank you in advance.
2022-04-23 2:29 PM
That depends on the size and format of the image and on the resources used by the rest of the system. Look at the specifications and do the math!