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how is the Touch GFX supposed to work ?

Senior III

I see the icon top right corner, generate code. But when I press it nothing happens, it becomes like inactive grayed out like it is doing something for a few seconds but nothing happens.

Is this because used Windows 7, do I need Win 10 ? Is this supposed to generate some initialization code like Cube MX I could use in Keil

I am still using Arduino as my video card for 480x800 display and send data by I2C but I would like eventually get some of the STM32 displays working.

Chief III

Hi @MNapi​,

Which version of TouchGFX are you using? Version 4.10.0 continually generates code based on your Designer Project. The "Generate Code" button is just to show that it's something the designer does and you can execute that function explicitly.

What do you mean by "Nothing happens" ? Are you sure no code was generated? It will be located inside the generated/ folder. It's not generating initialization code, only gui related code. It should work on both Win7 and Win10, no problem.

Let me know!

Best regards,


I though that it would open some folder to save the project or let me to choose to launch for example Keil. Like it happens in Cube MX.

I have just downloaded the latest Touch GFX it says 4.10.0

I just do not know what the thing is supposed to do or what it is doing. How do I get from Touch GFX to the board.

I would like to get the STM32F769I-DISCO, looks like a nice board with 480x800 display. It does not look to get it ever working with those tools.

Arduino is so simple, with STM32 you need to be a computer scientist.

I got my first STM32F446 about a year ago, you just cannot figure out how to get it working. I only learnt how to program it after watching somebody else youtube videos. From those videos I found how to use CubeMX and Keil, it looks simple now. Those STM manuals are full of assembly language no way you can figure it out unless you are computer scientist.

>>..unless you are computer scientist.

I'm an Electronics Engineer, and seem to cope.

I thought one of the key selling points of the Cortex-Mx series was the avoidance of assembly language, and the ability to code most everything in C.

I suspect one of the things with Arduino is that it only requires superficial knowledge, rather any of the underlying mechanics, in the same way it is a lot easier to drive cars than fix them.

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  1. Download TouchGFX 4.10.0
  2. Install ST-Link.
  3. Hook up your STM32F769I-DISCO board through the ST-Link micro-USB port
  4. Create an application in TouchGFX 4.10.0 based on v2.0.0 of the STM32F769I-DISCO Application Template
  5. Create your Screen definitions in the designer
  6. Press "Run target"


It'll work �� And you don't need to be a scientist; Our marketing people do this all the time to create demos without even knowing how to code. Try it out and let me know.

This application will also give you an .ioc file (CubeMX) that you can use to make hardware configuration modifications specific to the STM32F769I-DISCO.

Best regards,




I will order the board to play, I hope to get it working. I would like to get for example the .ioc file becasue I want to add like ADC, I2C, DMA.

If I can send it to cube mx from touch GFX. Then I can finish in Keil.

But this is what I mentioned in my first post when I click on the icon generate code or save under file left top corner. Nothing happens. All application would open window to choose folder and file name. Here is nothing.