2022-03-31 5:11 AM
I recently managed to download the STemWin software from ST site, and was wondering if there is a link to any example or tutorial which would show how to incorporate this library and what parameters need to be configured. I have seen a few posts with older versions of CubeMX and stmcubeIDE using STemWin but since I am unable to add STemWin under Graphics option in CubeMX I am unable to integrate it. I am using stm32f469NIH discovery board for the tests,
2022-04-01 7:56 AM
Hello @SKara.8,
I recommend you referring to the GUI on STM32F469-Discovery boards using CubeMX and STemWin FAQ article, it might help you.
You can also check the STemWin example provided under the CubeF4 projects.
2022-04-03 11:21 PM
Hi Chahinez
Thanks for the reply. I had gone through the " GUI on STM32F469-Discovery boards using CubeMX and STemWin " link you provided prior to raising the question on this forum. My problem as I mentioned in the query is that since I am using CubeMXv6.5.0 using stm32cubeide1.9.0 I am unable to get STemWin under the "Graphics" section in CubeMX.
Due to this I am unable to set the "Graphics" configuration modes stated in step 1.5 "Update the configuration of some peripherals" of the above FAQ link. Even under Install Software link in CubeMX I am unable to find an option to download STemWin as a Graphics package for CubeMX. Instead I only get TouchGFX package as download option.
Also thanks for the STemWin example link, I will go through it, but I hv already tried compiling and loading one of the standard STemWin examples "Hello World" using STemWin. Unfortunately after compiling & loading on the Discovery board, a simple white line was displayed on the LCD screen.
Hence my query on whether there is any other way to integrate STemWin in CubeMX, & if there is any tutorial on how to use the latest CubeMXv6.5.0 with STemWin. If not is there any tutorial which could indicate the configurations/initializations of parameters for STemWin to display on the stm32f469nih Discovery board screen.
Thanks in Advance.
2022-04-03 11:24 PM
Hi Chahinez
Thanks for the reply. I had gone through the " GUI on STM32F469-Discovery boards using CubeMX and STemWin " link you provided prior to raising the question on this forum. My problem as I mentioned in the query is that since I am using CubeMXv6.5.0 using stm32cubeide1.9.0 I am unable to get STemWin under the "Graphics" section in CubeMX.
Due to this I am unable to set the "Graphics" configuration modes stated in step 1.5 "Update the configuration of some peripherals" of the above FAQ link. Even under Install Software link in CubeMX I am unable to find an option to download STemWin as a Graphics package for CubeMX. Instead I only get TouchGFX package as download option.
Also thanks for the STemWin example link, I will go through it, but I hv already tried compiling and loading one of the standard STemWin examples "Hello World" using STemWin. Unfortunately after compiling & loading on the Discovery board, a simple white line was displayed on the LCD screen.
Hence my query on whether there is any other way to integrate STemWin in CubeMX, & if there is any tutorial on how to use the latest CubeMXv6.5.0 with STemWin. If not is there any tutorial which could indicate the configurations/initializations of parameters for STemWin to display on the stm32f469nih Discovery board screen.
Thanks in Advance.