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Hello, After generate the code with TouchGFX, I could open it with CubeIDE, compile and debug it in the board (Discovery), but how is the way to integrate the SMTXXX.ioc generated file inside that project? (to use the .ioc to add more peripheral device)

Associate III

I have found these steps to solve it:

But, is it not an easier way to do it? Thanks for your help!!!

Alexandre RENOUX


What do you mean by easier ?

If it is regarding the difficulty of setting the peripherals by going through the different tabs and enable the necessary peripherals before generating code, no there's none.

If it is the CubeIDE integration with the ioc file that is not very easy, then I suggest you to use the software CubeMX to modify the ioc file instead of using CubeIDE for this. I personally prefer by far using CubeMX over CubeIDE for peripherals configuration.


Associate III

Hi @GAuye​ ,

you do not need to use the way described in the video. You can create project in TouchGFX and then from STM CubeIDE: File - Open project from file system and select directory. Then navigate to TouchGFXProjects/YourProject/STM32CubeIDE then your project is imported into CubeIDE with .ioc file and you can start to edit it.

Best regards Jan.

Hello jP, thanks for your answer, you are right, I have tested (after lots of trials) in this way (without changing any name) and it is working... I have edited the .ioc using CubeMX but I will try to use IDE also to edit the ioc... by the way, Is there any good guide to undestand the interface between the panel and the hardware you recommend? Thanks for your advice...

Associate III
Associate III

Thank you... It seems not so easy... Lets start and see... Thank you again...