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Has anyone successfully used RTOS and STemWin with CubeMX and SW4STM?


Hello all.

We have STemWin properly running on STM32L4R7, but STemWin uses quite a large amount of CPU time to draw display contents etc. We cannot allow that, because we have a time critical task to do (RealTime). So the sollution would be: use RTOS.

We managed to setup RTOS nicely, switching between tasks by using "osDelay" works fine. But when we add STemWin the Gui_Exec takes quite long and needs to be interrupted by preeption. When this occurs, the PendSV Handler the instruction "ldmia.w r0!,{R4-R11,R14} crashes and jumps into the hard fault handler. 

Has anyone successfully used RTOS and STemWin with preemption on STM32L4Rx ?

Thanks for any help.

Attached project is generated with CubeMX5.2.1 for SW4STM

We use an FMC based Display.

We didn't do anything fancy. We just configured the project with CubeMX. All libs and settings are provided by CubeMX Code Generation.


08004e10:   mrs     r0, PSP
08004e14:   isb     sy
08004e18:   ldr     r3, [pc, #84]   ; (0x8004e70 <PendSV_Handler+96>)
08004e1a:   ldr     r2, [r3, #0]
08004e1c:   tst.w   lr, #16
08004e20:   it      eq
08004e22:   vstmdbeq        r0!, {s16-s31}
08004e26:   stmdb   r0!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}
08004e2a:   str     r0, [r2, #0]
08004e2c:   stmdb   sp!, {r0, r3}
08004e30:   mov.w   r0, #80 ; 0x50
08004e34:   msr     BASEPRI, r0
08004e38:   dsb     sy
08004e3c:   isb     sy
08004e40:   bl      0x800484c <vTaskSwitchContext>
08004e44:   mov.w   r0, #0
08004e48:   msr     BASEPRI, r0
08004e4c:   pop     {r0, r3}
08004e4e:   ldr     r1, [r3, #0]
08004e50:   ldr     r0, [r1, #0]
08004e52:   ldmia.w r0!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}


Accepted Solutions

Ok. Solved myself. Was a stack size issue.

The FreeRTOS setup with cubeMX stets each thread a stack size of 128 Words. STemWin requires at least 1.4k (tested with 2000 words)

  • configure default-Task Stack-Size to 2000
  • enable "CHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW = Option1"
  • implement this function: void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(xTaskHandle xTask, signed char *pcTaskName){ for(;;);} to be called, when a stack overflow occurs.

Attached Projekt is working. It generates two tasks. One is driving the STemWin, the otherone is blinking with a led. If the STemWin-Task is running to long, it is interrupted by preemption.

View solution in original post


Ok. Solved myself. Was a stack size issue.

The FreeRTOS setup with cubeMX stets each thread a stack size of 128 Words. STemWin requires at least 1.4k (tested with 2000 words)

  • configure default-Task Stack-Size to 2000
  • enable "CHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW = Option1"
  • implement this function: void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(xTaskHandle xTask, signed char *pcTaskName){ for(;;);} to be called, when a stack overflow occurs.

Attached Projekt is working. It generates two tasks. One is driving the STemWin, the otherone is blinking with a led. If the STemWin-Task is running to long, it is interrupted by preemption.