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GFX02Z1 - LCD FMC not working without External Memory

Associate II


I have a NUCLEO-H755 + NUCLEO GFX02Z1.

NUCLEO GFX02Z1 is based on DT022CTFT screen (ILI9341 drivers) and MX25L6433FM2I QuadSPI memory.

With ST Software package X-CUBE-DISPLAY 3.0.0, I have severals problems :

- With GFX02 "HelloWorld" example, there is nothing in MX_DISPLAY_Process(); function ??

- With LCD configuration (ILI9341 drivers) configured on FMC, it's working fine because the MX_DISPLAY_Init() successful passed (ReadID OK).

- With memroy configuration, there is no QuadSPI configuration, only SPI. QuadSPI is only available with "custum" selection. So, if i select Custom + QuadSPI (and not MX25L6433 + SPI) I will loose MX25L6433 drivers produce with X-CUBE-DISPLAY soft  ...

But at this moment, I just want to print a character or backgrtoung color but the screen remains white ...

My understanding :

To not configure QuadSPI memory is not a problem at this moment because I don't use DMA transfer (no DMA), so no transfer from peripheral to Memory and/or Memory to Peripheral.

So after MX_DISPLAY_Init(); sucessfull, i try to use BSP_LCD_WriteData() function.

But nothing happenend on the screen ... I try after a BSP_LCD_DisplayOn(0); but same ...

Is there something missing ?

Thanks in advance for your answers,



