2021-03-26 5:04 PM
2021-03-27 12:25 AM
Yes but, little correction in your ask, not generate code create bin/hex. This is linker role and you need change linker file setup in used IDE.
2021-03-28 8:31 PM
thanks. I was hoping that TouchGFX like Microchip Resource Converter/GDDX would convert all resources into a binary file. I recently added a QSPI external memory section to my linker and during development and I used the external loader option on the debugger to load the images into the external flash. Does anyone have an example on adapting the external flash loader to a custom bootloader (I already have a custom bootloader to loads the application)? I can write one (add it to my custom bootloader), but it would be helpful if someone has an example.
2021-03-28 9:34 PM
If you already have an external Loader and BSP code it should be a pretty short walk to pull the code into your own loader.
The .HEX should provide the addressing of content, or you might want to use the .DFU format for a more compact binary object file standard.
The linker should be able to export binaries for each section.
2021-07-18 1:18 AM
Hi Cleonb322.. .at the end were you able to modify the bootloader for updating the qspi flash? Can you provide the steps for doing the dame??' I have the ame task and any help would be appreciated... Thanks a lot.. Regards
2021-07-20 8:19 PM
For development and debugging, I used their example to load the external resources into the QSPI Flash. For the finished product, I created a hex to bin c# cmd line application to split the hex into two bin files. since the external resources start at 0x9000000, it was simple to split into two bin files. then I added the cmd line application to the post-build step. then I can load my application bin file with the bootloader, in the application I checked a flag to determine if I need to reload the resource. This is an SD-Card bootloader, but this can be accomplished with any bootloader.
2023-06-11 7:17 AM
Hi cleonb, can you share this command line applications? can be very useful for comunity...
2023-06-17 11:11 PM
I have my own app, but I cannot share it for free. however, you can use the below in the post-build steps to separate the binaries:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -O binary --only-section=FontFlashSection --only-section=TextFlashSection --only-section=ExtFlashSection "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.elf" ExternalFlash.bin;
arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -O binary --remove-section=ExtFlashSection --remove-section=FontFlashSection --remove-section=TextFlashSection "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.elf" InternalFlash.bin